On February 14, 1990 the first music store and CD rental called Indies was opened, at that time on the 25 Milady Horákové Street in Brno. After a year of this store’s existence, the publishing house Indies Records was established, bearing the motto: We publish music that we like and enjoy listening to. From the initial rock music styles the publishing house has slowly opened up to different genres. Folk and folk-rock albums were released, then world music and folklore, but there were also blues, rock, jazz or rap. In 2005 the recording Studio Indies was established and in 2007 the publishing house was divided into three independent publishers with a common distribution. Under the label Indies Scope there was the agency Indie Production established in 2009. Also the music store and concert ticket sale has been going on for entire 25 years. Under the label Indies, there have been released over 700 albums and titles mapping, with a few exceptions (The Frames), Czech and Slovak quality author music. The original Indies has gone through a development and series of changes since its establishment in 1990. Despite the fact that there are now seven different companies and branches (Indies Scope, Indies Happy Trails, Indies MG, Indies Distribuce, Prodejna Indies, Studio Indies, and Indies Production), this label is always associated with good music.
Indies Scope